Centipede Sod is Available for Pickup, Delivery or Installation.
- Centipede sod is slow-growing and grows close to the ground.
- It does well in non-fertile, acid soil (pH 4.5–6.5) and has a fair shade tolerance.
- One of the most popular grasses in the panhandle, but also does very well here in Marion County and North Central Florida.
- Once established, it can rebound after brief droughts. If located in full sun, irrigation will be needed at least once a week.
- Centipede spreads by above ground stems called stolons.
- Maintenance and fertility requirements are low compared to other turfgrasses.
Care Instructions for Centipede:
- Water new sod daily for 20-30 minutes for 3-4 weeks to assist root establishment.
- Wait to mow the sod until the roots have begun establishment in your ground, so you don’t shift the pieces of sod on the ground.
- Centipede does not respond well to fertilizer, especially nitrogen, which makes it susceptible to disease. Phosphorus depletes its iron levels.
- Overfertilizing with nitrogen to obtain an unnaturally dark green color reduces its cold tolerance and increases long-term maintenance issues.
- Best to use phosphorus-free fertilizer such as 15-0-15 with about 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft.
- Once rooted, best to keep the height between 1.5 to 2″ which helps give roots a chance to grow.
- Mow every 10-14 days during peak growing season for a lush lawn.
- For more tips, check out this lawn guide from The University of Florida IFAS extension.
Purchasing Information:
- 400 sq ft per pallet, approx 120 rectangle pieces
- Generally takes 1 person 1 to 1.5 hours to lay 1 pallet of grass.
- Delivery and Installation Options Available!
- Call for Pricing! It pays to buy direct!
To Reserve Your Pallets or
Request an Installation Estimate,
Call 352-369-8873
Other Sod Choices from Grandview:
St Augustine Sod
Argentine Bahia Sod
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Our North Central Florida Location makes us short drive from the Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa markets.